Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Amazon api-gateway behind nginx

Amazon API gateway is an excellent service clubbed with the power of AWS lambda you can run your code without the hassles of server

AWS API Gateway gives you weird url names along with the deployment environment names
ex: https://my-random-domain.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/stage , if you have a custom domain name you can hook up the SSL Certtificates have the endpoints under your  domain

if you need to put an AWS api gateway behind a Nginx proxy , You might encounter an nginx error unable to connect to the AWS gateway endpoint

This error occurs due to that fact that AWS api-gateway is behind a CloudFront distribution and Expects a Server name and Cloudfront expects the SNI ,

With the nginx 1.7.0 , proxy_ssl_server_name was introduced to solve these kind of upstream ssl errors refer bug 292

Turn on the proxy_ssl_server_name  directive by default its set to off;

Here is the sample code for reference